Friday, March 18, 2016

Don't ever type in "Creepy Old Women" on Google...

So now that we have a story, I now need to figure out how I want my main character to look as well as my setting. These are two very important elements to the success of my production. During class we got into groups and I was able to share my story ideas with the other group members. I was asked to provide two images that would help to explain my idea and show the direction I want to go.

The first image I chose to display was this Character from Shutter Island. I explained that for the main character I want to go for an older, more rundown look. This movie also plays into the type of feeling and look I want for my opening. Her skinny, white looking face paired with the pink under her eyes go to help display this character in that way. Her color clothing, baggier style and older looking also play a key role in establishing who this character is. I would want more hair on my characters head so she looks more normal than crazy (at least through costume and makeup design. )

The second image I chose to display was this. Here we see a clearly abandoned, old and run down place. I want this same look and feel for my location. Dark rooms, graffiti and creepy objects placed all around. I want to use these pieces as elements in the opening to establish the setting as an abandoned prison. Locks would be an important element in this as well as different lighting techniques.

Lighting is a key element we hope to utilize since we want a darker setting. This image of the light shinning through the window to hit a single spot on the floor is exactly the idea I want to go for in the final part of the opening. Only, at a smaller scale. I rather have a darker room and smaller windows that allow for light to come through. This will add to the idea of deprivation and establish the minimal amount of care that the person who is in that room is getting. With all of this I hope to establish a certain feel for audience members and capture their attentions in finding out what is going on!
"Horror Movies Based On Literature- Pt.2." Horror Movies Based On Literature- Pt.2. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.

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